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The End Times For Beginners
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The Goal: removing confusion and fear (7:05)
Important Terms
Important terms and motifs in the End Times Scriptures (10:55)
The End Times in the Gospels
Matthew 16, 24 and 25 (33:37)
Mark 8 and 13 (20:58)
Luke 17 and 21 (21:06)
John 6 and 11 (16:16)
Acts 1 and 3 (11:36)
The End Times in Paul's Letters
1 Corinthians 15 (14:32)
1 Thessalonians 4 and 5 (12:56)
2 Thessalonians 1 and 2 (15:25)
1 Timothy 4 (7:08)
2 Timothy 3 (5:51)
The End Times in the Letters of Peter, John and Jude
2 Peter 3 (16:02)
1 and 2 John (14:02)
Jude (13:39)
The End Times in the Old Testament Prophets
Balaam: First Prophet to see the End Times - Num. 24 (13:12)
Psalms - The King is coming to reign on David's Throne: Psalm 2, 24, 72, 90, 91 and 110 (35:16)
Isaiah: The Day of Vengeance - Isa. 2, 10, 11, 13, 14, 61 and 63 (38:03)
Jeremiah: Jacob's Trouble - Jer. 23 and 30 (10:56)
Ezekiel: Israel Returns, Gog/Magog, Millennial Temple - Ezek. 37-48 (43:12)
Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Zephaniah: Jesus comes to judge the surrounding nations (27:30)
Micah and Nahum: The Assyrian is the Antichrist (9:34)
Habakkuk: Mystery Babylon and the return of Jesus (10:44)
Zechariah: 4 Horsemen, 2 Witnesses, Great Tribulation and return of Jesus (37:41)
Malachi: Unity of the Saints, Elijah to come before Jesus Returns (14:41)
Daniel gets his own section... (0:54)
Daniel: Key to the End Times
Sealed until the time of the end (11:39)
Jesus quoted Daniel twice as End Time signs (10:07)
3 Kingdoms mentioned over and over: Dan. 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 (15:46)
Babylon is Iraq/Syria (5:33)
Persia is Iran (4:35)
Javan is Turkey (5:57)
Last Kingdom is future to all the Prophets, hence the mystery (6:30)
Chapter 7: The 4 End Time Beast Kingdoms (28:43)
Chapter 8: End Time battle of the Ram vs the Goat (28:15)
Chapter 9: Master Prophecy of the Temple in Jerusalem and Jesus the Messiah (31:20)
Chapter 10: Behind the Veil: Principalities revealed (22:10)
Chapter 11: End Time wars: King of the North (the Assyrian) vs King of the South (Egypt) (41:22)
Chapter 12: final Destiny of the Saints and the timeline of the last 7 years (13:56)
The Revelation...of Jesus Christ (22:45)
The Revelation of Jesus IS the 2nd Coming IS the Day of the Lord (19:19)
The Seals: overview of the entire End Times (53:14)
The Trumpets: Zooming in on the Tribulation (66:14)
The 2 Witnesses and the 3rd Temple (36:12)
Revelation 12 is the Master Template (47:48)
The Beast vs the Jews and the Church (54:23)
The Bowls: God's Wrath (43:33)
Mystery Babylon (47:02)
The return of Jesus and imprisonment of Satan (26:32)
The Messianic Kingdom, with and without evil (33:34)
The End of the End is just the Beginning... (31:06)
The Beast, the Antichrist and the False Prophet
The Beast from the Sea: a Kingdom/Empire (10:50)
The 7 Heads of the Beast and the 10 Horns on its Heads (20:30)
The modern nations that make up the Beast Kingdom (8:52)
The Beast from the Earth: the individual False Prophet. Satan's Enforcer (16:12)
The Little Horn: the Antichrist (16:18)
The Mark, Image and Number of the Beast (19:13)
The Rapture
What is it and what is the purpose of it? (26:33)
When does it happen? Before the Tribulation? Before God's Wrath? (36:43)
Frequently Asked Questions and how to address them (45:07)
Zechariah: 4 Horsemen, 2 Witnesses, Great Tribulation and return of Jesus
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